Sunday, April 25, 2010

God Blocked it - Testimony

Have you ever had something bad happen and just really question why... or have a hard time believing that anything good could come out of it? Well, I'm sure most of you heard about the oil rig out in the Gulf of Mexico that exploded last week. There were several critically injured and eleven are still missing, presumed dead. Well my son Rocky used to work on that rig. He was upset when he lost that job. When I heard about the explosion, I just kept thinking what if Rocky had been on the rig! So I dug out his old schedule and followed it thru today's date. YES he would have been on that rig when it exploded! I can't tell you how many different thoughts were going thru my head. He was upset when he lost that job and we thought it was such a bad thing. But the one thought that just kept going thru my head over and over was GOD BLOCKED IT! Then I remembered when our choir first sang that song, I had an overwhelming feeling of God all over me so I stepped out in the isle and started weeping and speaking in tongues. I knew God was doing something. I just didn't know what. However, now I can't help but look back in hind sight and I can see God had already been working. The devil had a plan but God, He intercepted the devil's plan and told him NO! GOD BLOCKED IT!!! Thank you Jesus for blocking the devil's plan!!!
- Tammy Brandes

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