Thursday, December 6, 2012

What If You Discovered Justin Bieber?

What if you discovered Justin Bieber?  

The YouTube sensation turned teen pop star was discovered singing love songs on YouTube as just a boy.  But no one would have ever heard of him, had he not been discovered.  It’s easy to find talent these days with all of the social media present in culture but what about the people who don’t post what their capable of all over the internet.  The reality is that not all talent is discovered, more often, it has to be detected.

It has been said that a prodigy resides in us all.  Perhaps it isn't the musical ability of a young Mozart or modern day vocal ability of a young Justin Bieber, but I do ascribe to the belief that there is tremendous potential in us all.  Before you jump to the conclusion that this post is a 3 step plan to discover your inner prodigy, let me tell you straight up, it’s not.  Sorry, maybe another time.  No, these next few sentences are being written out of a sincere passion for awakening. Fathers, Husbands, Mothers, Wives, Students, Leaders, well, you can name the category must realize the opportunity to pull out the potential that resides in those around us.

We have all heard the phrase, “ You bring out the best in me” or “You bring out the worst  in me.”  Fortunately and unfortunately we all have people in our lives that effect us one way or the other.  The question I've been wrestling with within myself is which one am I?  Do I truly bring out the best in others?  In my relationship with my wife, as a friend and leader, am I pulling out the prodigy or stifling the potential?  The truth is we are all doing one or the other.  In every relationship or in whatever role in your home, business, school etc. we have to be intentional about doing three things: 

Detect.  Project.  Protect.

We have to detect passion and potential, project a vision for seeing that potential realized, and do our part to protect that person and their potential.

Whether it be a fellow employee, a child, a spouse, or someone you mentor, one of your high calling’s is to detect the potential resident in whoever that person may be. 

Many people don’t do great things simply because no one is telling them that they can. 

We must take it upon ourselves to probe for possibility inside of people.  We must become keen to detect talent and gifting. 

Next, we must project a vision for that potential to be realized and utilized!  A lot of people cannot see beyond insecurity, past failures, or disbelief, the many possibilities that exist within themselves to make a difference or pursue a new endeavor.  We must speak life, affirm, and incite an awakening within them.  Of course, we cannot force them into doing something great but we must allow them to realize that doing something great with their lives is indeed possible.  

Lastly, we must protect those we detect ability in and project vision for.  If someone very gifted suddenly rises up as a leader in an organizational context get ready for stones to be thrown.  Obviously, we cannot stop this natural process from happening.  Success comes with both celebration and criticism, but we can build walls with our support, love, and words that help shield them from the blow.  Additionally, with success comes more and more opportunities.  We must be sure to keep those we care about balanced and also aware of the new challenges that await us at every new level.

Instead of waiting for the next big thing to be discovered on YouTube, look around your house, the office, or your campus...because a prodigy resides in us all.

Tauren Wells is the lead singer of the band, Royal Tailor. He serves as the Creative Director for Royalwood and is also on the youth staff. He loves interacting with students and building relationships. Follow Tauren on Twitter.

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